His name is Milo. He is 20 pounds of pure adrenaline. His white fluffy coat should not be mistaken for weakness. He is a maniacal killing machine. The great white killer is his persona when in the great outdoors. If there is a chipmunk or snake in sight, he will find it and take care of business.
In the house, though, great white is an attention hog. All he wants to do is lay in your arms and get tummy rubs. This personality is called Mi-Bear. He nuzzles as close as he can get until he covers at least 60 percent of your body.
The first time my boyfriend met Milo, he was preying on a poor innocent baby rabbit. He greeted Mark with a red stained beard and glassy eyes. Not the best introduction. Mark soon realized that Milo suffered from multiple personality disorder.
Was every dog like this? Did they have a carnal, killing side to them that could be repressed inside around people, but not in their natural element?
To an extent, I guess we all have different personalities. My best friend named her different side, Denise. Denise loves to dance. Denise also loves to call me at 4 a.m. on weekdays. I do not like Denise.
In a less ostentatious manner, I guess I have a few identities. Professional Lauren. Social Lauren. Kid Lauren. And my favorite, doggie Lauren.
It's fun to be able to wear different hats..put on appropriate outfits and act the part. I guess it's a flash back to childhood when you could be an astronaut, archaeologist and magician on the same day. Inside your amazing imagination you can be anything you desire.
When I come home to see Milo, though, the one personality I always want to see is genuine Milo. Plain, old, crazy whacked out dog.
This goes for my human friends too. After a night out on the town, I love to come home and hang out with my boyfriend. No forced conversation, extra-chipperness or uber-social antics. I wash my face and I am able to embrace my natural "Lauren." She is somewhat of a loner and loves zoning out to reality TV.
It's still fun to embrace other arenas that are outside my comfort zone or bring out a different side of me, as long as when I come home, I am the same old, boring, sensitive, loving - me.
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